
在继往开来的历史性时刻,中国共产党人以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指引,重温百年奋斗的恢弘史诗,以信仰之光照亮前行之路,用如磐初心凝聚奋斗伟力,接续谱写新的历史篇章。 「更多详细」

98年前中共三大在广州召开 促成第一次国共合作

这里是闭馆改建中的中国共产党第三次全国代表大会会址所在地,1923年6月12日至20日,中国共产党第三次全国代表大会(以下简称“中共三大”)曾在这里召开,会议促成了第一次国共合作,开创了中国革命的新局面。 「更多详细」


珠江南岸,广州解放大桥西侧,一栋坐南朝北的4层白色洋楼在绿树掩映下格外显眼。楼顶,巨大的红色五角星装饰在阳光下熠熠生辉,一楼门匾上书“第一次全国劳动大会旧址”(以下简称“一劳大”旧址),一语道破洋楼不平凡的身世。 「更多详细」

China embarks on new journey toward socialist modernization as key blueprint approved

China's top legislative body on Thursday approved a development blueprint for the next five to 15 years to guide the country's march toward modernization, a dream pursued by many generations of Chinese.

HKSAR chief executive supports NPC's decision on improving Hong Kong electoral system

Carrie Lam and the governing team of the HKSAR government expressed support for and gratitude to the passage of the decision on improving the electoral system of the HKSAR by the National People's Congress (NPC).

Xi calls for good start in strengthening military, national defense in 2021-2025

President Xi Jinping Tuesday stressed achieving a good start in strengthening national defense and the armed forces during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) period.